What is a blog?


 What is a blog?

What is a blog or you must have heard about blogging from somewhere. Most of the time you get to hear this name on Facebook, forum or video. This is why, most of the people who are online business use blogs to promote themselves.

If you still do not understand what a blog is, then there is nothing to worry about it. Here I am going to tell you in detail about what a blog is called and how it differs from a website.

What is a blog?

A blog is a kind of website where people write their content. The new content comes first and the old content comes later.

A blog can be a diary, an online news paper, a photo gallery or a business marketing tool.

Text, photos, audio and even video are put in the content of a blog. You will be surprised to know that there is no such topic on which the blog has not been written. You will get to read all kinds of blogs around the world.

Those who are small blogs run 1-2 people and in big blogs there are many people.

According to a report by Statista (www.statista.com), by the end of 2020, there will be more than 32 Million bloggers worldwide.

Blog history

This word is a blog, it originated from the union of two words; Web + people (log).

Earlier people used to write diaries to share and remember their experiences.

Then in the mid-90s, online diaries and magazines were sold. People used to create their own web page online and write about their personal life, thoughts and social commentary there.

The use of online diary has increased so much that many online tools had come to make this thing simple and convenient.

Two popular blogging websites were born in 1999.

The same year Blogger.com was launched, which was later purchased by Google in February 2003, and the same year WordPress also released its first version.

As of now, WordPress is the most popular blogging platform in the world. Worldwide the number of people using WordPress is over 30%.

In the true sense, the current time blog has taken a huge form and it is increasing day by day. It is no longer limited to writing and updating; A big business has been created.

What is the difference between a blog and a website?

Every blog is a kind of website; But not every website is a blog.

The content of a website does not change with time and the content is kept as a page in it. But regular new content is inserted in a blog and the old is also updated.

For example, Google.com, Amazon.com and Wikipedia.org have one website each. All their information has been created with an aim which does not change quickly.

By the way, you can call hindime.net, indiatimes.com and bhaskar.com one blog each. New content is written and updated daily here.

There are also many websites that maintain blogs to promote their products.

Why do people create blogs? What is the benefit of blogging?

You will find Millions blogs on the Internet. Different people have different symbols behind creating a blog. When someone writes about his life, someone shares his experience.

It is clear that a blog is the easiest and successful way to build a website. So let's know the type of blog and what can be the intention of creating a blog.

1. Realizing Your Life

There are many people who share their thoughts and feelings in their blog. If someone writes a diary, then he is left confined to it. But through a blog, you will be able to share your thoughts even to others.

Like take Amitabh Bachchan ji; He keeps sharing something in his blog (https://srbachchan.tumblr.com) every day. Like we share our thoughts on social media, in the same way Amitabh ji also shares his experience in his blog.

2. Hobby or passion

We all are fond of something or the other. We are very happy to do that thing.

If we want, we can make our hobby accessible to people through a blog. With this, people will get information about you and you will also get some Sikhs from you.

Like I love buying gadgets and collecting information about them. If I write about all these in my blog, then those who do not know about them will benefit greatly.

3. To share information

Most people share some information or solution to the problem through a blog.

Like we share information related to most technology on hindime.net. There are many blogs like ours which give their information in different categories. Such as food, business, fashion, sports, etc.

4. The way to earn money

If you spend your time in creating a blog, writing content in it and promoting it, then you will have a good audience. You can convert your audience into money.

There is a lot of way to earn money from a blog. The most popular way is Google Adsense. Every new blogger uses it during the beginning of the day.

Apart from this, you can earn a lot of money from Affiliate Marketing, Sponsorships and other advertising programs.

5. Setting up an online platform

You must have heard about the online influencer at some time. These people talk on the same topic and people interested in the same topic join with them.

When people connect with you, you have a brand name. Only then you buy whatever you use, people follow the same thing. Through this, you become an online platform where you can earn a lot of money from your book, any goods or affiliate marketing.

6. Online community

When people who think like one join together, a community is formed. Like our forum (ask.hindime.net).

Here people keep sharing questions or information related to digital marketing like blogging, SEO, social media marketing. You can also call it a kind of public blog.

Last word

Hopefully you have understood what a blog is and how it is different from a website. Internet is a medium where people work day and night. That is why blog becomes a great medium to connect with people and earn money.

You can use a blog for a lot of work. Along with the popularity of the internet, the number of bloggers is also increasing every year.

If you liked the meaning of the blog, then you can share it with your friends. If you have some suggestions, then comment below and join me on YouTube and Instagram.


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